Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Importance of Hands On

Virtual reality, for me is a very interesting concept. I have played virtual reality games before and I have loved every bit of it. It is simply more interactive and more capturing than traditional games, which is what you want from entertainment. This experience with virtual reality of real life events, however, was a completely new feeling and it showed its impact similarly in how video games differ from VR games.

All stories in the news are in real life. That is the point of the news, to get messages and events from people in different parts of the country to other parts of the country. The impact of the events, however, do not get across very well in many cases. Many mass shootings and terrible occurrences get swept under the rug I feel, because they are so disconnected to us. Even though they are reported in the new, the real feelings of horror and sadness do not always come to other parts of the world, otherwise a bigger change would have been made. I feel though that through these 360 videos it is whole new perspective. You can see what is happening from a very in depth point of view. This, just like VR video games are much more immersive and get into the minds of the viewers much better and more effectively than their more disconnected counterparts.

I think that is also what the maker space also signifies is hands on learning. With all the cool things that you can do in that room I think it will provide valuable fun learning, a lot of which we do not see in classrooms today which is frankly a shame. Any way that will get people interacted in something will help them digest it and learn from it much better, 360 views of news and the maker space do that very well.


  1. Yea, I completely agree, you do get a sense of realness from their perspective

  2. Yea, I completely agree, you do get a sense of someone else's reality.

  3. I agree with you about how the VR gives a more in depth image of what happens in real life. Specifically, the ability to put an image or video to a description can be incredibly powerful in education. I do believe that education has come a long way in that regard, and I am excited to see where it goes from here.

  4. I think another valuable aspect of news being submitted through virtual reality is that, though equally powerful, it is far less subject to the bias that print journalism is. VR lets people interpret what they see with their own eyes, not a journalist's.
