Thursday, November 15, 2018

Are Ghosts Real?

Are ghosts real? Toni Morrison seems to believe so. In her award winning book Beloved, Morrison focuses on the main character's haunted house to drive the plot. About one third through the book we are introduced a new character with ghost like qualities. Her name is the same as the dead baby haunting the house, she is said to have clear "new, baby skin", and seems to have baby behavior as she is picking up her life as where she left off when she died when she was younger. However, the readers at this point still do not know if this mysterious character is indeed an actual ghost. Morrison uses the readers impatience to see if this character is indeed a real ghost to drive the plot and keep the readers on the edge of their seat.

This leads me to ask the question if ghosts are truly real. It is the number one most common "myth" people believe in. Some people claim to have ghost encounters where they actual see a ghost. Some people claim to hear ghosts. And some claim to feel their presence. However, there is yet to be substantial evidence that proves this paranormal activity is real.

Will this ghost debate ever come to an end?


  1. I personally don't believe in ghosts and I don't think that either side can ever win the debate on ghosts because there will always be people who say they see them and there is no way to definitively prove if ghosts do exist or not.

  2. Like Ben said, I don't believe in ghosts, but I can see why some people might. There's something fun about believing in non-human presence on Earth, or spirits among us. There's a lot of times ghosts would make sense, but when I look back, I can barely keep a straight face and say that they're real. I think this debate will go on for ever.

  3. I have never believed in ghosts, or other superstitious/supernatural ideas. People have different mentalities about these kind of topics, however, imagination and storytelling will always exist and will continue the conversation about ghosts.
