Thursday, November 29, 2018

Margaret Garner and Sethe

Toni Morrison’s novel, Beloved, was inspired by the life of Margaret Garner, a slave. Many aspects of Garner’s life are reflected in the life of Sethe, the main character. Both women were victims of sexual abuse at the hands of their masters. Both women married fellow slaves while experiencing the abuse. Both women ran away. Both women chose to kill their children rather than allow them to become enslaved. One of the most important differences in the life of Margaret Garner is the presence of her husband. He escaped with Garner, fought slave catchers when she took the life of her daughter, and was by her side throughout the aftermath of her actions. Sethe is not so lucky. Her husband was not able to escape with her. Sethe had no male support system after she returned from jail. This distinction is important because the lack of a constant male presence allows for a deeper exploration of the female experience. Morrison was able to discuss the impact of slavery on women and a mother’s love in ways she would not have been able to if she had allowed Sethe’s husband to have a larger role in the novel.


  1. Why do you think the presence of a man is necessary to explore the female experience?

  2. I love Toni Morrison's decision to use her book to focus on the female experience during this time. We need books that show the hardships African American women have gone through, the tough decisions they have to make, and most importantly that they are capable of enduring this life without that male role.
