Friday, November 2, 2018

We Are All Migrants Through Time

We are all agents of change: socially, economically, politically, and spiritually. Sometimes, these changes force us to migrate. We are all migrants. Sometimes, we as individuals are not agents of change, because of our privileged race, religion, or socioeconomic status, we are not forced to migrate. We are all still migrants. According to Hamid, these individuals are still migrants because if one was to remain detached and unvarying from an ever-changing, fluid social environment, they have become socially indifferent; they are a migrant.

The virtual reality experience enabled me to have an introspective view of my social, economic, and religious privilege, in relation to the children in the video. The introspective analyzation that I experienced was catalyzed by the visual desolation and destruction that I perceived. This desolation and destruction made it quite explicitly clear to me that these children did not live the same life and live in the same world that I did. I came to the realization that my empathetic disposition for these children was as strong as it was because of my obliviousness and ignorance.

The children that were documented in the virtual reality video were migrants. There were forced to relocate from their home country because of war and religious persecution. My social detachment and indifference from the migrant's current unsteady and fluid social situation makes me a migrant of our time.

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