Friday, November 2, 2018

More Alike Than Different

Every year I travel to somewhere in the United States with my church group for a mission trip. We stay for a week in an a town that is usually pretty poverty stricken. Every year when I go I am always astounded of the different behaviors, living conditions, and even food that these people endure every day. It always makes me take a step back and really realize how thankful I am for the things that I have.

During this virtual reality experience I almost felt as if I had taken a mini mission trip. I was again amazed at what some of these people have endured and how their lives were so different then mine. But, usually when people talk about mission trips and such they always end up talking about their differences instead of their similarities.

One thing that stuck out to me was the fact that all of the people interviewed in the virtual reality video were children, just like me. They had lived for the same about of time but had gone through totally different experiences. I think we should credit ourselves more alike than different because when we do we can help one another and realize that we are all people just trying to live happily and in peace.

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