Monday, November 5, 2018

Virtual Reality: Our Expectations are determined by our opportunities

I watched the video “Clouds Over Sidra”, which showed the life of people living in Jordan, since she and her family had to escape from Syria. One thing that stood out to me was the way that she was describing her environment. Although we can see that the setting that she is living in is not as fortunate as how we are used to, if we hear how she’s describing it, she talks in a way that makes it seem as though it is a normal school. Although she mentioned how girls cannot go in the Computer Lab and such, the overall environment, with having education and the opportunity for the kids to hang outside, is very similar to our experiences in America.

Another striking thing that I realized when watching the video was how Sidra mentioned that some children do not go to school because they want to go to school when they are back home. Like Sidra said, I agree with her that education is very important and that regardless of where you are, you should still go to school. Education is not an opportunity that everyone has access of, and therefore, I believe that it is important for anyone who has the opportunity to get educated to get education.

Overall, I found the VR experience very interesting because the experience of feeling as though you are in the environment that the children are surrounded by everyday is incredible.

1 comment:

  1. I watched this clip too. I agree that the video humbles us and helps us realize the great opportunities we have that most kids do not receive,
