Saturday, November 17, 2018

Beloved and Sexual Assault

In Beloved, it seems that there are various instances where people are taken advantage of and I think people would benefit from warnings. There was the instant with Sethe and having her milk stolen from her and there was the time with Beloved and Paul D, when she was forcing herself on him, despite him saying no. There were both male and female perpetrators, so this shows that there isn't only one type of person who's assault, it could be anyone. Reading these scenes were particularly graphic and made the reading uncomfortable. Reading it at this time, makes me more aware of all the assaults that were constantly dismissed in past time, and how people weren't able to talk about it and how it affected them. We are in a time now where assault is something that everyone should report.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. This book is one of the most visceral and horrifying books I’ve ever read. I wish it would have been pitched to us as a horror novel.
