Thursday, November 1, 2018

Something From those With Nothing

In the two virtual reality videos that I watched, I took away a similar thought. This was the thought that depending on where an individual is from environmentally shapes their character in more ways than one. For me, the biggest wow moment was seeing Oleg and his friends play will the leftover 50 caliber shells and leftover pieces of scrap metal from the bombs like it was a present to them and they were so happy and excited just to be with each other in their hometown which was now a wreck due to the previous war that had swept through Ukraine. This was the largest wow moment because of how happy and carefree Oleg and his friends were, it seemed like nothing had changed, as if there had been no war at all, but instead an event that led to new places and things that he and his friends could play with and explore. Because Oleg was so accustomed to war violence and havoc the aftermath came to him as a gift because he could return to the place where his friends were and where he was happiest despite all of the destruction. Oleg said one thing they could take back was wishing that the school got blown up, which actually happened, they realized that having a place where all their friends and teachers work cohesively is a treat, unfortunately they realized this after the war and many of the past inhabitants of their home were gone along with their property. Most of the stories in “The Displaced” follow the lives of young kids who have been ripped from their homes in order to seek safety and or work elsewhere. The thing all of these stories have in common that was another wow moment for me was that none of these kids felt sorry for themselves. These kids understood why it had to be the way it is and accepted their fate they all hoped to have life return to the way it was but they never got too hung up on it, they kept theirs chins up and focused on the task at hand. I admire all of these kids because of their strength and true grit. I believe we could all learn something from lose who lost everything.

1 comment:

  1. Your formatting is very messed up. But you make a good point about how people can still shape their character, who you are is the only thing you can control when everything else is taken -Riley T
