Thursday, October 6, 2016

Working to Move the World Forward

 As we discussed the many so called ¨systems¨ that hide the truth and limit us all I could think about was one thing. Progress. Human growth is exponential and that goes for everything from population to science and technology. This assertion has been proven in P.W. Singer´s book wired for war in which he demonstrates that in the past 100 years that humans learned more than all time in our history up until that point. Additionally if these systems are real and viable forces in our lives that really keep us from being free why do people bother to make and create things that make life an even greater or prolonged expedience. From an artificial heart to Dega´s Blue Dances many things have been created to eliminate suffering on all levels and as we move into the future I don´t expect that trend to change. So all this raises the question are these systems really systems at all or rather just ways or measuring not all the bad in the world but the good instead.

1 comment:

  1. While progress is a part of human growth, there is no purpose to human growth. I agree with you that we believe our purpose is to progress and to continue to move towards a better world, but truthfully there is no real purpose to life. We have made up everything we know to be true, and in a short amount of time (time in terms of the universe) any progress we made will be meaningless.
