Saturday, October 15, 2016

Meursault's Decision

After Meursault has been sentenced to death, he thinks to himself, "I had just denied my appeal and I could feel the steady pulse of my blood circulating inside me" (115). At this point in the story, Meursault is accepting his fate. He understands that one day he will die. 

Later, Meursault refuses to see the chaplain. However, despite his acceptance at his death, Meursault still fears it a little. When the chaplain finally does come, Meursault states, "When I saw him I felt a little shudder go through me...I told him it wasn't his usual time" (115). He understands that the chaplain coming at a different time means that his execution is near. The shudder is the small part of him that still feels worried about what is to come.

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