Sunday, October 16, 2016

Analyzing Our Captivating Class Discussion on "The Treadmill of Life"

A bit unexpectedly, last week in class we had an interesting class discussion. The topic varied at times but generally it was about "the meaning of life." I thought that there were ties to The Stranger in the sense that Meursault does not follow the typical life of those around him. Meursault is a great example of someone who does not follow "The Treadmill of Life" (I interpret this as someone who follows a unique path in life, one that was not expected to be followed by peers or society.)
I really enjoyed this conversation because I think it is timely for all of us seniors applying to colleges. Not attending a college next year is a bold move, there is so much risk because if for someone reason the career path you choose does not work out you are at such a disadvantage. When applying for a job there will likely be a lot of people competing for it who have a college degree. Yet so many of the great pioneers and entrepreneurs in human history did not graduate college (Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Bill Gates to name a few.) Yes of course I will admit these people are genius of their own right, they had a plan that did not require college. 
While I like to think of myself as someone who takes risks and trys new things, I do not have the guts to not go to college. I don't have a plan for what I would like to do with my life yet so it would probably not be the smartest decision to not go next year, but still it is such an interesting idea.

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