Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Carelessness with Meursault

I feel that Meursault's indifference to every situation will bite him in the butt throughout the story. His go with the flow process seems interesting and ideal, but will it get him into trouble. He doesn't say no to Salamano most of the time, but when he does he ends up doing what ever asked anyway. Maybe he's the type of person who needs to avoid conflict. However, it doesn't seem to be on purpose when he makes his decisions.

Unfortunately, his romantic life has his go with the flow mindset as well. I feel bad for the woman who he's with who seems to just take all the garbage she's given. It could be since during those times women weren't given the option to freely choose who they wanted to be with, and were subject to poor treatment, maybe she believed that her situation was good. Meursault also didn't do anything to help the woman Salamano was beating up, and neither did the police.


  1. I agree, I feel sooner or later, just going with the flow will get him into shady situations that could make his life a lot more difficult.

  2. I agree that Meursault's indifference will get him into trouble later on in the book, but I also believe it's possible we start to see him become more emotional, and start to care more about his life and actions. He could very well be in for a harsh reality after his decision to kill "the Arab," and I think it's possible we see a drastic change in his personality.
