Thursday, October 11, 2018

My View on Camus Argument

I actually do agree with Camus’ reading of the myth because I think that it shows how powerful an individual can be, and that they can make a situation good for them no matter who is controlling things. One part of Camus’ argument about finding happiness through the absurd I found a little hard to agree with because it is most times the absurd that gives people their most troubles.

I do agree that Sisyphus is the hero in the story, and that through his resilience he was able to overcome the Gods that were making him push the rock up the hill. I am not sure how happy Sisyphus was while pushing the rock up the hill, so Camus’ argument that he began to enjoy what he was doing seems like a stretch to me. Overall, humans are built to overcome challenges and that is what Sisyphus did in this scenario.


  1. I also understand the argument Camus is trying to make about Sisyphus, and the quality of his life. But realistically, could anyone actually be happy doing what Sisyphus has to do for eternity. That sounds like the cruelest punishment to me.

  2. I don't think Camus was implying that Sisyphus enjoyed the actual chore of pushing the rock, I think he was trying to present a "whistle while you work" mentality.

    Additionally, I think the absurd is actually where people are able to find joy. If we reside solely in conformist space, we lose the fun of individuality and discovery (even if that discovery is a result of conflict).
