Thursday, October 4, 2018

Salamano is Meursault

On page 27 of The Stranger by Albert Camus, The protagonist named Meursault meets a new character named Salamano and he asked the man why do you beat your dog? Salamano quickly replies with, ¨Filthy, stinking bastard!¨ Which makes people think about is Salamano suppose to represent Meursault in a way that the characters are the same. We can see that Meursault through how he approaches life that he doesn't have much remorse for his mothers death, and that he doesn't show much emotion to anything that happens to him. So it makes me think that Salamano is a man that doesn't have much emotion about his dogs well being and much respect from life. So Camus wants us as readers to see that raw emotion in other characters that are actually representing Meursault in a way. Because from what the readers can see in the first part of the book, Meursault is a stranger to everyone and to himself.


  1. But Salamano does show emotion for his dog. He is visibly distressed when he loses his dog and even goes to Mersaults room and voices his concerns.

  2. I agree with Jakob. While there might be some similarities, like their seemingly crappy lives, Salamano has at least one thing he cares about (in his dog), even though he shows it in an odd way while the dog is alive.
