Thursday, October 11, 2018

The stranger is he a Psycho?

In The Stranger, the main character is not a normal human like you or me. We see this in many situations, from the death of his mother to the friendships he makes. But the question I ask is, is he a Psychopath? He doesn't seem to care about his loved ones, he analyzes people and their behavior but doesn't interact with them. He shows little to no emotion around people or even around himself. His relationship with Marie is incredibly strange. He likes her and things about her but he could only like her because she is a woman. She wants to get married and she loves him but he is sort of indifferent to her. He doesn't seem to be interested in what regular people are, he isn't interested in getting married, he isn't interested in being successful in his job. He states that "as always, whenever I want to get rid of someone I'm not really listening to, I made it appear as if I agreed" (69). It shows that he doesn't really want to deal with people and when he's done with people he just gives them what they want so they leave him alone. So is he a psychopath? I would say that he has many psychopathic tendencies such as his lack of emotion or remorse, his lack of control, and a few other traits. When on trial he does not say that he was sorry for what he did or that he had any remorse. So I would say that he is somewhat of a psychopath. His thoughts and actions are almost textbook psychopath. So did the writer mean to make him psychopathic or just different from the rest of us to stand out?


  1. I do not believe that he Is a Psychopath, but I think that he has mental issues that nobody talked about back then. He probably needed some help, but people just thought he was crazy (except Marie).

  2. I agree with you Anna, because of his inability to show empathy for anyone. He shoots the Arab a total a 5 times, with large pauses in between. His lack of feelings for others prove he is a psychopath, and I think that's a common problem with all people who claim to be existentialists.
