Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Virtual vs. Actual Reality

Virtual reality is an incredible to experience the environment of people others than yourself and also to get a little queasy while doing so. Being fully immersed into the lives of migrants is a powerful experience that makes you think about how the world is happening concurrently with itself, with an almost infinite amount of activity occurring at once. Although my stomach couldn’t handle the headset, I fortunately could have an opportunity of getting a peek into the lives of others from my time in Asia. Traveling to places like Cambodia or Vietnam was really eye opening for me. I got to have a brief glimpse into the lives of locals who were living in incredibly different and difficult circumstances. My virtual reality headset was the small boat I was on allowing me to peek into the lives of those living on the Mekong Delta in Vietnam. Seeing the daily lives with those living there and having personal interactions with them allowed with me to empathize better with their experience and with others who I had never met before. This is because once you can empathize with some others who you didn’t know before, it is easier to see your common humanity and accept people who you have never interacted with. Traveling that part of the world showed me how similar all of our lives are. Despite the vastly different circumstances of our lives, I could see the similarities between us. There are people who we don’t know who are just like the people that we do. So for those who’s stomach can’t handle VR but can handle the steep price of plane tickets, I highly recommend getting out into the world and experiencing as much of it as you can.


  1. I have never experienced virtual reality before, so I agree that it was so incredible. It transported me to this other world that was so foreign to me. I found it most interesting that the virtual reality has the goal of putting the person watching in the reality of another person (those being recorded), but it still feels like you're watching a movie, just a 4D movie that is super realistic. It still didn't feel like I was truly in their shoes, because I will never be able to fully be in their shoes. I do agree, like you said, that people should go out and experience as much as possible though, because it will bring you as close as possible to another person's reality.

  2. I completely agree, virtual reality is an awesome way to experience another person's environment and it will only get more realistic as time goes on. I believe VR's ability to make one empathize with another is significantly more effective than a novel. Through seeing and hearing a new world, it makes it more relatable and realistic to us. I think that's the reason why so many people prefer video games instead of books nowadays.

    1. Halley--
      I get that VR can provide a bit more of an immersive experience for the viewer, which would help foster a healthy sense of empathy which seems so elusive in text-based mediums, but doesn't it seem slightly sad that we can't seem to profit as much from books in this age of technology? Should we not, perhaps, try to put in a little more effort to gain a similar degree of understanding from literature? I think I am right in saying that the pleasure and benefit that can be derived from a thrilling novel or eye-opening expose is far more valuable than whatever a VR headset could hope to offer. It's just difficult to find that book that really speaks to you, and to commit to working a little harder and being a bit more patient in order to achieve a comprehensive and fruitful understanding of a foreign environment or experience.
