Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Secret of the Congo

During the short video we watched in class about the Congo, I experienced a various amount of emotions. Mostly, I was upset, angry, and disgusted. I never knew that any of this went on in the Congo. After the video, I started to wonder why that isn't something we learn about more in school. I realized that I've never had a textbook that covered that part of history, and I started to wonder why that is. I wondered if maybe it was because American textbooks don't like to show white people doing bad things. I don't know if this is true, but it's something that I've noticed over the past three years. If it is true, though, I think it just shows what the real problem is. White supremacy is present in so many aspects of history, and this was just added to the list I had of my knowledge of it.

1 comment:

  1. It's true. That's why Oklahoma passed the bill to ban A.P U.S. History. It didn't teach "American Exceptionalism."
