Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Is Matthew an Existentialist?

Throughout the movie Trust, one of the main characters Matthew demonstrates being an existentialist despite encountering different struggles in his life. He has trouble finding stability in his social life. He has no close relationships with anyone until he meets Maria, a woman version of him. His dad abuses him and Matthew has no job or anywhere to go. The interesting part is that he doesn't try to be an existentialist and he doesn't choose to be one. He just so happens to be viewed as one because of his internal circumstances and his response to the situation as a whole.

Even though his father treats him horribly and he doesn't have much, Matthew is an individual and he has freedom. One quote that reveals this is when he says, "Life is one big experiment, and your the subject."  He makes his own choices and he says what he feels regardless if it's right or wrong. He accepts the craziness of the world and this leads him to his discovery of Maria. Through his relationship with Maria, he develops. He has more passion for life than ever before in his interactions with others. Not that he's more passionate about living but rather he wants to make the most of his time with Maria. Because of his ability to express himself and be independent, he's living an authentic life.

In the big picture, he is very similar to Meursault from The Stranger. Both characters don't show much emotion and even though they're both separated from society, they accept being indifferent. Another similarity between them is they both don't know what love is and whether or not they have it. Meursault is in a complicated situation with Marie and Matthew and Maria don't know if they really love each other. Ultimately, they both are aware of the issues with not only their world, but also actual society. All the struggles add up, they don't have stable relationships with others, they don't know their status in life, but in the end they both keep moving, recognize the issues and accept death. These two existentialists use their time wisely in life by making choices based on how they feel. They are two interesting characters. Without necessarily realizing it, they aim to discover the meaning of life, themselves, and the concept of living through others and their own battles.

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