Friday, October 16, 2015

Our Savage World

 1 (of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled
 1(chiefly in historical or literary contexts) a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized
 1 (especially of a dog or wild animal) attack ferociously and maul

In all these definitions is an element of violence. Thus savage must include violent nature.

Throughout the story, Heart of Darkness, the seamen keep bringing up the difference between civilized and savage. They interpret the people of the Congo as being savage whilst they are treating the Congolese like objects and killing them for their land and profitable products. In many ways the brutal treatment would make the Belgian people savage. The people leave the innocent natives with disease they are not yet prepared to deal with. Lacking mutual recognition, those that are taking the Congo as theirs deny the savage people their human rights and can be classified as evil. In this story the reality is those that are claiming civilization are exactly the opposite.

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