Thursday, October 1, 2015

Kill Me Now

Meursault embraces the idea of death while ignoring everything else in his life because he understands that he will soon face death. As Meursault prepares himself for death, he thinks to himself, ¨It was as if I had waited all this time for this moment and for the first light of this dawn to be vindicated. Nothing, nothing mattered, and I knew why¨ (121). He is eagerly awaiting his death. He does not care for his surroundings as he decides to focus on his death. Since he knew he was going to die, he does not care about anything because after he dies it will not matter. Meursault´s willingness to accept his death and ignorance to his surrounds proves that human life´s only meaning is to die, which makes life meaningless.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah I completely agree with your perspective. I found that Mersault's nonchalant attitude about death can be attributed to the way he chose to live his life. It almost seems as though Mersault goes through life just moving through as opposed to actively engaging it so I think that sort of mentality is what leads him to his comfortability with death.
