Sunday, December 3, 2017

Citizen Powerful Line

The most powerful “ situation video” from section VI of Citizen that stood out to me was in the very beginning of the section. It takes place August 29, 2005/ Hurricane Katrina and it is quotes that were collected from CNN. A woman is speaking on the devastation that she has experienced from this horrific event that has taken place and how how awful ¨ to go back home to find your own dead child. Itś really sad¨. There is a response that is given that had me taken aback when I first read it. It states, You simply get chills every time you see those poor individuals, so many of these people almost all of them that we see, are so poor, someone else said, and they are so black¨ (85). These two lines particular moment simply tie together with each other because it just shows how blacks are oppressed against even when they are not living. It seems as though no matter the circumstances or times your skin color will always define how people choose to dictate.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah totally true. I feel like there is also this implicit racism that plays a big role, and when it comes to the surface, everyone is surprised. I think that this was a very important idea to make.
