Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Chemical Attraction

Chemical by Jack Garratt was released in his album Synthesiac April 13, 2015. Jack Garratt was still an underrated indie singer/songwriter at the time. Lately, he has made more pop-like music. Chemical was one of his songs that stuck with me. The song starts off like this:

My love is overdone, selfish and domineering
It won’t sit up on the shelf
So don’t try to reason with my love
My love is powerful, ruthless and unforgiving
It won’t think beyond itself
So don’t try to reason with my love
And when you pray, he will not answer
Although you may hear voices on your mind
They won’t be kind

He is personifying his love almost as if it was an actual person. He could possibly be talking about himself or someone he knew to be as similar as his "love". He goes on to give it a sort of masculine vibe:

My love is chemical, shallow and chauvinistic
It’s an arrogant display
So don’t try to reason with my love
And when you pray, he will not answer
I know this for I ask him all the time
To reassure my mind

He uses the words chauvinistic and arrogant which are commonly used for men. This personification and use of diction makes this song as clever as a poem. Some may even call it a poem itself... Not really but the point is that it's poetic in a way for someone to self-reflect on their love by comparing it, in a way, to themselves.

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