Thursday, October 19, 2017

Meursault is so different

Meursault is without a doubt one of the strangest and hardest characters to understand in any book that I've read. I've read several parts of 'The Stranger' several times and there's just no relating to him for me. In fact I am quite the opposite of Meursault.

There are several examples in the book where I'm reading and I'm extremely disgusted at Meursault's actions or thoughts. For example when Meursault and Maria caught Raymond beating his girlfriend, Meursault did not seem concerned or even attempt to do anything about this abuse that was occurring. If I was that same position, I don't care if that's my friend beating his girlfriend, I would do something about it. Meursault seems to just go through life that caring about anything or anyone but himself. I don't even think he cares about Maria, he just cares about women in general, but can't commit to one woman.

Another example of Meursault's strange actions occurred at the beginning of 'The Stranger.' When his mother died, he didn't mourn for her. Instead he went to the funeral and acted as if it was just something he was required to do. The next day he carried about his life as if nothing had happened. This really bothered me because if my mother died, I would fall apart. Meursault is incredibly hard to understand because he could be mourning, but he could be doing it in a different way.


  1. I totally agree with your blog.Throughout the book ,I have not been able to relate to Meursault in any way. He is just so different than any character in a book that I have ever read. Maybe that is because he is as true an existentialist as you can be and we have not seen that or we are to attached to the things in life that distract us from the real reasons we live.

  2. I agree that Meursault is, possibly, the least relatable character in literature. He is just a shell of a human and there is nothing to relate to because he is barely a person. I can relate to C3P0 easier than Meursault and C3P0 is an actual robot.
