Sunday, April 22, 2018


Has Romanticism changed since its beginning? Modern day romanticism vs the original has changed in my opinion, not only by how it is portrayed but the definition of it itself. Romanticism came into place in the late seventeen hundreds and originally was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe. It was the reaction to current events such as the Industrial Revolution and other things such as social norms at the time. It was used to portray emotions as stories.
Although his was how Romanticism was used during this time, today it is different. Today, it is more geared toward individualism and ego centrism rather than multiple. Although it is still influenced by art, literature, and intellect, its form is different. Due to modern advancements, technological and others, romanticism is shown in different ways than it used to be. Altogether, Romanticism is still used to show emotion through stories simply in different forms than how it was historically displayed.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, when Romanticism was at its peak between 1800 to 1850 it was meant to cater to each individual's emotions through literature, music, and other poetic forms. Now it caters to us through technology and modern devices such as the news.
