Sunday, April 8, 2018

Anyone Can Be A Romantic

I believe that Romanticism is very much still present in modern society, though it may not be as obvious to most because, well times have changed and so has the way be represent ourselves and our ideas. Romanticism is based partially in individuality and emotion, ideas which are often seen through the works of individuals such as Hugo or Delacroix clearly and explicitly.

This is part of the reason why today Romanticism must take a different form, because it is no longer seen as a "movement" as it did in the 18th century when it was the famous and artistic who generated the change and created the works we define as "romantic" today.

I believe that for the most part, present-day Romanticism is found in the common man, the individual, the very essence of what 18th century Romanticism tried to fulfill. The individual who pours themselves into their passion, almost to the point where they become their work because they are so emotionally connected to it. While this work can certainly be the classic arts or literature type of work, I think it expands far beyond this into the sciences and broader humanities, almost any field that requires one to love what they do and have a reason, beyond financial, for why they do what they do.

For example in science, passion is required for any change to ever occur or any breakthrough to ever happen. If someone does not devote themselves entirely to their work then I think the chances of them evoking real change are much slimmer and more due to chance than the individual.

Additionally, the emotion and passion that one applies to their work has to be their own, they cannot piggyback off a general feeling or someone else. In order for them to be a Romantic, then their reasoning must be based off themselves and their own connection to their work and the greater good.

A very important, though not necessarily essential to every Romantic, part of 18th century Romanticism was the artist's connection to nature that flowed through their work. In today's society, connecting to nature may be harder, as a result of industrialization and urbanization but most people agree that being in nature puts them in a better mood or helps them think. Maybe if as a society if we all went out into nature a little bit more and put down the social media and iPads more of us would be geniuses, no matter what we did.

I believe that anyone can be a Romantic, it is not that hard if you actually try.

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