Monday, November 21, 2016

Stamp Paid's History

Beloved slowly traces Paul D, Baby Suggs, Halle, and Sethe through their time as slaves to their time at Baby Suggs way station. All of these characters having gotten out of slavery begs the question of how Stamp Paid's role in their former slave lives plays into the present relationship between Sethe and Paul D.

Stamp Paid has been seen previously helping slaves out of slavery, yet we do not know where he has come from and why he helps. Stamp Paid could have a connection to Sweet Home or he could just be part of the underground railroad system.

Stamp Paid's story has started in Part 2. His memories show his thoughts when he told Paul D the "secret" about Sethe killing her baby. These memories continue to flow while we witness Stamp trying to go to Sethe's house and reinsert himself in her life to somehow help her like he used to. He also attempts to find Paul D and thereby reestablish the communal feeling the town had while Baby was alive. Stamp's investment in the community of slaves he freed has probably made him want to continue to better the lives of all of the slaves he rescued. However, Stamp seems to be interfering quite a lot by trying to bring together Sethe and Paul D once more. Throughout Part 2 I believe we will see the true reason why Stamp Paid helped slaves become free and why he cares about what happens to Sethe and her family.


  1. Although I agree with you that Stamp Paid wants to help Sethe and Paul D, I also believe he wants some hope. Hope that former slaves can live and love without losing each other, which is why he both interferes and encourages Sethe's and Paul D's relationship. I believe this stems from Stamp Paid's experience with his wife being used by a young master. To me it seem Stamp Paid wants to see the possibilities he would have had with his wife, by projecting those ideals onto another couple.

  2. While I do agree that Stamp is interfering a lot with Sethe and Paul D, I don't think there is much more of a reason than him truly wanting to keep a community together! I can't wait to see what more backstory is in store for us in part 2...
