Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Beyonce and Beloved

While watching Beyoncé's Lemonade, in the subsection of “Anger,” Beyoncé said a line that had striking similarity to Toni Morrison’s, Beloved; specifically when Paul D, was using trees to navigate north to find the fleeting reality of freedom, that existed for a black person.

Beyoncé’s line, “I don't know when love became elusive. What I know is, no one I know has it. My father's arms around my mother's neck, fruit too ripe to eat. I think of lovers as trees ... growing to and from one another. Searching for the same light,” has extreme parallels to Paul D's Escape. They are both trying to find something that doesn't exist in there world-freedom and love. Beyoncé uses trees to metaphorically to say that, people go through relationship and relationship, or tree to tree, trying to find love. While Paul D, is using Beyoncés metaphor physically, going tree to tree to find freedom. Both being almost impossible to catch.


  1. This was an interesting interpretation of the line. Its cool that you brought up the unattainability of love because everyone Sethe loves leaves her in some way: Baby Suggs, Halle, and her sons.

  2. It´s an interesting relationship between this song and those affiliated with Sethe in Beloved. Your reaction to Lemonade related to Beloved is spot on.
