Sunday, November 8, 2015

Animals vs. Humans

I have always found it ironic the way that humans look at animals. We are so willing to love and protect certain species, but for the less fortunate ones, we simply cast them off to the side and eat meat. Many people defend this behavior by saying how the cruelty that those animals face is systematic and therefore okay. Most meat-eaters I've talked to are quick to justify themselves, with statements like, "we're simply superior and smarter than animals" or "that's what animals are here for". This way of thinking makes me sad, due to its explicit speciesism. Humans and animals both inhabit this earth together, so we should find a way to live in harmony with each other.

The heart of darkness here comes from the way humans look down on animals, similar to the way the Europeans thought that they were better, and more civilized, than the Africans. Clearly demonstrated by Joseph Conrad and just by history, that sort of dominance never works out. Being different than another group, or living in different ways, is no grounds for cruel and unjust treatment.

Of course, some may say that I'm stretching the comparison too far-the treatment of people could never be on the same level as the treatment of animals. But our everyday choices influence the way that we think in every other circumstance. If people go through their whole lives believing that they are so superior to animals and accept the cruelty that they face everyday, then that could lead to much more problematic circumstances. Don't let any darkness get in the way of being a compassionate person- to everything on the planet.


  1. I personally, as a meat eater, eat it because we as humans have always eaten animals, it was a way of survival and gave us nutrition that I believe was necessary to continue to let the human race flourish. Now, "just because we have always done it" does not justify it in any way and there are other reasons, such as eating meat helps control the population of animals in the wild, which is something humans have always helped do. But, I don't want to offend you by also saying I simply like meat. However, if you think about it, all carnivorous animals eat other animals as well, no matter how small. Even if they are an herbivore, the animal (humans included) eat plants which are living things. We all fall into our place on the food chain and that's the way of life. I believe all life is sacred and special but there is also a reason that everything happens, as sad as it is to say we are the alpha animal, and if we were not, life would be horrifying (which does put things in perspective, yes) for us all. (Just imagine if dinosaurs were still living on the earth and chasing us around all day...eeek)

  2. This is an interesting take on what a heart of darkness actually is and I think you're right. The meat and dairy industries are horrible and the way they are set up makes it so we barely see certain animals as even living anymore. We see them as objects. The heart of darkness here lies in the fact that we have taken the natural food chain and twisted it into an instrument of industry and capitalism, even though we are dealing with living beings.
