Wednesday, December 6, 2017

I Will Always Love You- Whitney Houston - The Bodyguard

I Will Always Love You is not just any other song that goes on the radio for a few months and then you never hear it again. The song only consists of seven stanzas, but every verse is full of sentiment. It is a song that will stay in the hearts and minds of people forever. It is touching, deep, and a great song to emotionally belch out while you are in the shower. There is a kind of poetry in the lyrics that makes the listener engaged and maybe even cry from time to time. The theme of the song can be inferred from the title, but the title does not capture the whole story. The song is about a woman leaving the love of her life, and the speaker (probably Whitney Houston) wants to stay with the man but knows that both him and her are better off without each other. The audience is other women out in the world who have had to go through a similar experience of leaving someone such as the speaker in the song. Also, the speaker's audience goes out to men who have been left behind, giving them confirmation that it was the right decision to leave each other.

Certain parts of each stanza make up the theme of the song and make the audience believe that she is truly hopeful for the man she is departing. For instance, in verse 2 stanza 5 the song reads,"...I wish you joy and happiness...", clearly exhibiting that she hopes the best for him. Although she seems to be breaking things off, she undoubtedly still loves him when she repeatedly sings "I will always love you" six times in the sixth stanza. This repetition truly embeds into the audiences minds that she still loves him but is making the right choice to end the relationship. Houston can connect to many people through this message of this song through the specific words in the first stanza that state she would "...only be in your way". Countless numbers of couples can relate to this sad separation even though they do not want to leave each other. Numerous reasons can lead to this sort of separation, such as future success in a job, family, or moving locations. Any of these sad circumstances fall into this beautiful song. It gives those who have been left or those who chose to leave confirmation that they probably still loved one another, but it was best for both of them to call it off.

Whitney Houston is an expert at writing lyrics. In a moving and engaging song, she found a way to bring confirmation to those who ended a relationship because it was better for both of them. She influenced couples that they didn't leave each other out of dislike, they left out of love and for a positive future. She inspired hope in those who had their hearts broken and changed people's viewpoints. Not only did she change those in a relationship, but she gave those who were hoping for one something to look forward to. When single listeners hear this song, they would pray to have a strong relationship just like the speaker in this eloquently written masterpiece. Evidently, this single was not on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 14 weeks in 1992 for nothing. It gave people powerful ambitions, making them want to never stop searching for love. 

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure how you can argue that this song is a poem. You don't really identify any poetic devices that make it a poem. I agree that this song is great and that it has been around for a long time but I think you can argue that it is a poem better. This is more of a summary of the song.Also you forgot to link the lyrics to the song.
