Thursday, September 17, 2015

Why the "Why" Essay Needs to Die

Let's take a look at the college application:
  • Common Application
    • Basic Information
  • Grades and Test Scores
    • Academic Strength
  • Recommendation Letters
    • Overall classroom behavior
  • Essay
    • A evaluation of writing ability, as well as giving the student the opportunity to express the things that make them unique
Is this list everything you need to completely define a person? Of course not. But this "why us" essay that so many school require does not get us any closer to that goal. In fact it doesn't really seem to do anything of use.

Me: Yeah I'd like to apply to your school
Them: Great, I'll just take a look at your application here and... oh... you seem to be missing the "why us" essay. It's required.
Me: "Why us"? What is that?
Them: It's an essay where you write why you're applying to our school.
Me: Why does that matter?
Them: Well now, we wouldn't want you to apply to us if you don't really want to go here. This is all for YOUR sake.
Me: Of course I want to go here, that's why I'm applying in the first place!
Them: Yes, but why? Why do you like us?
Me: So you just want me to compliment you?
Them: Yes, but be unique. If we can replace our name in the essay with the name of any other school, we won't be impressed.
Me: But the reasons I'm applying to YOU are pretty much identical to the reasons I'm applying to all the other schools I'm applying to!
Them: Well that just won't fly here sir. Come up with an unique reason of why we're great, or don't bother applying. Good day.
Me: ...


  1. Haha very entertaining Seth. I hope some day someone actually has this conversation with an admissions officer and it gets nationally televised.

  2. Haha I enjoyed your post Seth. It was really funny and so true. I completely agree with what your saying. Great post.

  3. I agree! Most colleges have distinguished professors or programs that make people want to apply, so it is very hard to write a unique essay for each college. The essay is especially difficult for people who are applying with a major in mind, because the schools will likely have the same academic benefits.

  4. It's especially awkward when you're applying to a college that's your third or fifth choice and you have to write an essay about "Why this college is my absolute first choice..." I totally agree, though. Since I'm already taking tons of time and paying multiple fees to apply, I think you can probably tell that I want to come here, right?

  5. This is perfect, Seth. Completely captures the collective frustration that all students have pertaining to this type of essay. When many schools have fantastic reputations and amazing academic and athletic programs, sometimes it seems like the only thing that differs is the mascot. The "Why" essay needs to be killed.

  6. Seth more true words have not been spoken. I think is pretty great that you have found a way to criticize something that is intended to be standardized and perfect in order to accurately judge every applicant. I also though it was really true that this essay is almost a way of saying how much butt kissing do I have to do to get into your university.

  7. Seth more true words have not been spoken. I think is pretty great that you have found a way to criticize something that is intended to be standardized and perfect in order to accurately judge every applicant. I also though it was really true that this essay is almost a way of saying how much butt kissing do I have to do to get into your university.

  8. Seth more true words have not been spoken. I think is pretty great that you have found a way to criticize something that is intended to be standardized and perfect in order to accurately judge every applicant. I also though it was really true that this essay is almost a way of saying how much butt kissing do I have to do to get into your university.

  9. Welcome to the world, oh golly gee. I think the larger thing that we all should gather from this is that you shouldn't do something unless you can find a larger meaning in it.
