Saturday, September 26, 2015

Are We in a Bad System?

Existentialism suggests that we are tricked by a system into thinking that relationships with others, our jobs, and our religion create meaning in our lives. But are we really tricked, or do we choose to make these things the meaning of life?

I would say that we choose these things to create meaning in our life. Existentialism suggests that we must cast all our relationships with others away in order to become radical subject and truly enjoy life. But to me, this seems like the worst way to enjoy life and unlock its full potential. The times that I enjoy life the most are usually times that I am with family or friends. Alienation does not seem like it would unlock anything, but rather lock us away.

The same goes for careers. I believe it is easy for people to find the meaning of their life in their careers. If they want to help others, and believe that the meaning of their life is to help others, then how can anyone say they have been tricked into doing their job. If they are doing what they love to do, then they have not been tricked, but rather chosen their path.

To say that the meaning of life is unlocked by casting away jobs, religion, and isolating ourselves is absurd. Life is random, and death is inevitable, but that does not mean that we have to cast all the things we were "taught by the system". What we choose to make the meaning of our life is something we choose , not something a social construct told us to choose.


  1. I completely agree with you. But I don't think that existentialism is trying to say that you should throw everything a way, it is saying that you should live how you want to live. Well written.

  2. I completely agree with you. But I don't think that existentialism is trying to say that you should throw everything a way, it is saying that you should live how you want to live. Well written.

  3. I have to agree with RIley on this one Scott. I believe that existentialism is simply a literary philosophy which states that many of our preconceived "essences" of life are false and that we should rethink what gives life meaning.
