Monday, September 14, 2015

Fiesta 1980

In class, we had the chance to begin talking about the conclusion of the story "Fiesta 1980". At the end of the story, Yunior is puking in the car, just as he was at the beginning of the story. As the reader, I was excepting some sort of climax within the story. I was expecting that Yunior would be cured of his car-vomitting or that his relationship with his dad would come to a head and explode in some  way.

Initially, I was frustrated with the lack of climax and excitement in the story. I wanted a jolt, some sort of surprise. The story disappointed me. However, as I reflect more on the story, I'm coming to appreciate the lack of event within the story. I believe the beauty of the story is in its simplicity and missing climax. The lack of climax was itself the surprise in the story. Most stories have a strong build up and explosion, but "Fiesta 1980" did not, which makes it unique


  1. I agree with you that the story was anti-climatic. Even the title itself gives the illusion that the story will end with a jolt (and possibly happy). But maybe that just adds another element to the story that makes it more interesting.

  2. Interesting. You never think of an anti-climactic moment as a good thing, but I guess it does have its merits.

  3. I totally agree. But I love it when stories like these don't have any big revolution. It was really cool to have a glance at a moment in Yunior's life and it was just how things are like his dad really sucks, he gets car sick, and by saying these somewhat mundane things there was a much bigger "big picture."
