Friday, December 16, 2016

Singing to Sleep Ones Inner Turmoil

Yes, I know, its another Hozier song, but to be fair his lyrics are incredible. Arsonists Lullaby is a dark look into the mind of a metaphorical Arsonist, which represents his audiences inner turmoil. The refrain goes:
All you have is your fireAnd the place you need to reachDon't you ever tame your demonsBut always keep them on a leash
Hozier's lyrics personify his audiences own "demons" while giving them meaning, basically stating that one should not try to get rid of your inner turmoil because that is all you have, "All you have is your fire/And the place you need to reach". He doesn't tell the audience to use the "fire" they possess, because it is destructive, rather, he tells them to "keep them on a leash", presumably, keeping it close, but still outside of oneself and at an arms length, because it is still a part of you.

Hozier goes on to talk about how destructive ones inner demons could be:
But my peace has always dependedOn all the ashes in my way
Although one could keep "them (demons) on a leash", one could not force ones inner demons to stop being destructive, and thus keep ones self from being destructive. One could never be happy by trying to completely subdue them, "my peace has always depended".

Hoziers "Arsonists Lullaby" is poetry because of the metaphorical use of an arsonist and his fire, trying to emanate his audiences inner turmoil, effectively giving the lyrics emotional meaning to the audience. As always his music possess rhythm, so that even when spoken the lyrics sound like music.

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