Monday, March 5, 2018

Tina Tina

In Tina Fey's sitcom, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, the first episode is packed with satire. It begins with the media's coverage of four women that were kept in an underground bunker for 15 years.
In the bigger text it says "WHITE WOMEN FOUND" and then underneath it with smaller less attention grabbing syntax, "Hispanic woman also found". This is an exaggerated example of how the media is racially selective and care more about white people than any other race. In our media it is typically less blatant.

Later on in the episode the four women are on a host show and being referred to as "The Indiana Mole Women". The insensitivity is even more apparent when they are being shoved out of the studio, with goody bags, while an assistant of the show is repeatedly saying "thank you victims". 

This highlights the insensitivity and pity that survivors of tragic events face; labeling them as victims and putting more stress and emphasis on the peril they endured. ALSO pointless goody bags points out the useless help they receive that can't actually help them in the long run with their life. It's like here is a band aid and some mint tea for your depression and failing liver.

seth rollins goodbye GIF

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