Friday, March 23, 2018


Orientalism definitely plays a role in our society today and it sometimes is very noticeable but alot of the times it is discrete and you don't realize it. The film Mulan is one of Disney's popular films that portrays Chinese culture inaccurately. Mulan is always encouraged by her family and her community to find a husband and to be a lady meaning to not express her opinion. This is stereotyping Chinese culture as forcing women to marry. In the film The Lion King, all the characters are animals. There aren't any human characters at all. The film was created to be a depiction of the continent of Africa but it was a very stereotypical image of the continent. There are many different countries in the continent of Africa but the film seemed to generalize Africans. If we don't recognize that we may play a role in the false depiction of Eastern culture (Middle East and Asia) we will never get to understand the truth about different cultures. We won't be able to have positive international relations if we receive inaccurate information

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