When I think of the lasting effect of Romanticism I think of my right to have a personal, private and individualistic approach to viewing art. The movement not only values individual’s inner impulses to create art but also one’s reactions to the art and that’s what I love so much about it.
I would not consider myself an artist therefore I experience art as a witness. I think this movement validates emotional attachment to art, which is one of my greatest weaknesses. I find myself going back to the same paintings at art museums over and over again, printing out poetry and putting it on my walls. I sometimes even tape printed out song lyrics on the walls of my shower so I can practice for when I’m singing in my head with my earphones in. It has gotten to the point where I´ll get attached to pretty looking trash I find on the street and then carry it around in my pockets for weeks. I think Romanticism encourages befriending yourself, discovering quirks and validating your own experience as you live it.
I feel like there is so much in life where the end goal is to learn something or better yourself in some noticeable way but the way Romantics define art allows us to be more meditative and mindful and introspective.
This might be too meta: maybe I am getting overly Romantic and misinterpreting the movement but... isn’t it all about subjectivity?
I feel like there is so much in life where the end goal is to learn something or better yourself in some noticeable way but the way Romantics define art allows us to be more meditative and mindful and introspective.
This might be too meta: maybe I am getting overly Romantic and misinterpreting the movement but... isn’t it all about subjectivity?
I definitely feel what you are saying about the way Romanticism affects our individual relationship with art. But don't shy away from calling yourself an artist! Your collages and drawings on eggs are very nice and show a great deal of craftsmanship, you should share them with our class some day.