Monday, April 16, 2018

Millennials and Romanticism

When the word Millennial comes to mind, what characteristics do you think of? Lots of people would say lazy, needy, or entitled. Three weeks ago, I would probably have echoed my parents and their friends by saying something along the same lines as that. However, after being enlightened by the meaning of true Romanticism, I don't think there is a better fitting description for what a Millennial is, other than a Romantic. 

Millennials are scrutinized for traveling too much, instagramming too much, and making eye contact too little. On the surface it would appear that yes, they are all those things and more. Yet, viewing Millennials with a romantic lens, it is easy to see that these young adults aren't trying to slack off on their work. Rather, they are people trying to soak in the fruit of life, experience simple things, and not get trapped in a 9-5 job for their entire lives. 

I've started to wonder why older generations look down on Millennials so much. It may be because Millennials have been able to do what Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson encouraged while young, but much of our older generations haven't been able to "dance with the daffodils" until retirement or even not at all. Perhaps if people young, old and in between spent more time appreciating what was around them rather than what they need to get done or where they need to rush to, the Millennials generation could be more understood. 

Personally, I feel that even as member of Gen Z, I am a bit of a Romantic. I try to appreciate the natural environment around me, and in the future I also want to protect it both so that I can breathe, but also so that the generations to come will be able to experience the true beauty of big oak trees, falling leaves, and a sandy beach near an ocean. I hope that as I continue to learn, I, along with my peers, will grow into true romantics, and create a more simplistic, equal future. 


  1. I agree with your thoughts about how older people view millennial and I too view millennials this way. However, I also agree that they are just trying to enjoy everyday life with their countless pictures. Another thing I agree with you about is the appreciation of the natural environment and preserving it for future generations. It's important that they to have a sustainable plant to grow and thrive.

  2. Your blog post as brought a different perspective forward which is incredibly interesting. A part of me completely agrees with your blog post because I can relate to so much of what you said. But the only area that I believe may be borderline is how our generation soaks in the modern world through our phones. Yes, we do take a lot of pictures to try and "capture the moment". Although, all of these pictures may be blocking us from truly taking in nature. Technology may be a filter between nature and us, allowing us to not experience the real thing. Other than this, great blog post. Very interesting and an awesome perspective.

  3. Wow you are so right. Adults/previous generations are definitely just jealous of Millennials because they do what makes them happy and appreciate the smaller parts of life. I had never thought about this, but now that you've brought it to my attention, I am so inspired.
