Monday, April 23, 2018

It's Not That Serious

I'm not a romantic. In the way that it is thought of in literature, and the characterization that we studied about in class, I don't believe that characterizes me at all. From what I've gathered, the romantic period and the idea of being a romantic is the strong connection to your feeling and emotions. However, we all feel and we all have emotions, as we are human. So personally, I think romanticism and being a romantic is to be overcome with the emotions that it leads to its expression. That's just not the person that I am. I feel as though being overcome with emotion to the point were you feel the need to physically and visibly express them that often is unnecessary. Pause. I'm not here saying that showing emotion or being emotional is a bad thing. What I'm saying is often we take things more personally or seriously than they often need to be, and it creates unnecessary hurt or pain. There aren't many things in life that require all the attachment that comes with powerful emotions. The majority of life is not that permanent. Things can be changed, old people leave, and new people arrive all the time. You never know what could be around the corner. Take it with a grain of salt, and keep it pushing. I'm not a romantic because it's never that serious.

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