Friday, March 3, 2017

Master of Satire

Aziz Ansari's hit show "Master of None" is absolutely hilarious, while still offering powerful interpretations on society. The show follows Dev, (Aziz Ansari) through his daily life as a minority, encountering awkward confrontations, highs and lows, and comically normal situations. The usual episode tends to revolve around his interesting friends, searching for a relationship, and making strides in his acting career. A prime example of how the show puts a take on society, however, is the episode "Indians on TV".

The episode revolves around the notion of publicized racism on television. Specifically, Dev auditions for a part in a show called "Three Buddies". One of his close friends Ravi, who is also Indian, auditions for the role as well. Dev is later sent an email from the director, which he was not meant to see, that explains that they enjoyed both Dev and Ravi, but "There can't be two" (meaning Indians). This is utterly ironic because almost every television show today features multiple white people.

This episode makes us realize how unequal our society still is today. It also shows us that a change needs to be made. Why can't there be two Indians starring on the same sitcom? How in any way would that demote the effectiveness of the show? Through Aziz Ansari's laugh out loud humor, a satirical point is made, ultimately striving to change viewers outlooks on society, and therefore makes "Master of None" a can't-miss.

1 comment:

  1. I love this example. I recently saw him hosting SNL talking about similar issues. He highlighted the people "coming out of hiding." Meaning, the racist people who think it's okay now to go up to minorities and tell them to go back to where they came from. I love his comical approach to these issues because they not only illuminate the satirical humor but also help explain the issues for those who need it to be said in simpler terms.
