Thursday, October 15, 2015

Life without Matthew???

The minute the movie Trust begins, Maria's life starts going downhill. Through various occurrences she loses more and more people in her life until she feels like she has absolutely no one and has very little purpose in the world. When Maria meets Matthew, however, a light inside her turns back on. Neither of them have other people in their lives to lean on, and end up using each other for support: A relationship of mutual recognition.

When Maria arrives at the factory knowing that Matthew is in there with the bomb, she doesn't think twice before running inside to find him. She is aware that Matthew will be arrested for bringing the bomb in and of the unlikelihood that they will be together again. I think that when she carelessly throws the bomb, part of Maria would not mind if it blew her up. Matthew is the one person who believes in her and treats her like an equal. Maybe she thought that if he was leaving her no matter what, death would not be the worse thing in the world. If only Maria had seen how devastated her mom and sister looked when the bomb went off and they assumed she was killed. This image might have changed her feelings about life and how it will go on once Matthew is gone.


  1. I agree Maria wouldn't mind being blown up with Matthew. I think she was being naive for not thinking of how her death would affect her mom and sister.

  2. I agree, I cannot imagine an outcome of her life which she no longer has Matthew where Maria could be happy. Had Matthew blown up without Maria, I believe that Maria would be dead emotionally. There would no longer be a person that saw Maria as an intelligent being and understood her as a person.
