Friday, September 26, 2014

Be an Existentialist for a Day!

To me, the existential ideals discussed in class are pretty attractive. Breaking free of the system, being an independant being, authenticity. However I don't think it's possible to "achieve" existentialism, and I don't think it's supposed to be. But it is something to think about when you go throughout your day and when you make decisions. Why are you doing the things you do?

I wake up in the morning around 7. Of course I wish everyday to immediately return to bed. Why don't I? I go to brush my teeth. Why do I brush my teeth? Is it because I want other people to know I'm hygienic? Partly, but I also like feeling minty fresh. I get dressed. Why do I wear what I wear? It's very likely I have other people's opinions in mind. But I also enjoy choosing what I wear and collecting clothing items I like. I drink coffee. Why? Do I want to have the ability to be more animated to talk to my peers? Or do I truly enjoy the taste and want to feel more awake, because I don't like feeling dead all day? I could question everything I do and my true intentions in doing it. The truth is, though, that human beings have goals and fears. They have dislikes and likes, and they need to recognize the idea of delayed gratification when they live their life. I think it's definitely possible to separate ourselves from caring about being judged. I don't think in order to authentically go through life you need to completely detach yourself from all the systems you're already participating in. It's just important to be aware of them. We should all probably graduate high school. We should probably brush our teeth. Existentialism is just something to think about.Unless you are born a truly indifferent Meursault like human being, you will have feelings, opinions, and aspirations that keep you from living like he does. That's inevitable. In today's society it is more likely than not you have to play into certain systems, such as our education, in order to get to where you want to go. Along the way, maybe all you have to do is pause and consider why you're doing what you're doing.

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