Thursday, February 15, 2018

Reports of Hypocrisy

I was always a big fan of the The Colbert Report, and I thought it would be a great fit for the satire topic. To begin, Colbert presents himself as a conservative news anchor. However, he discusses content that brings attention to issues on both sides of the aisle. In the clip that I watched, he was defending himself from criticism about a racially insensitive line against Asian-Americans, that was taken out of context and put on twitter. He satirizes different subjects during his defense, all of which were quite humorous.
(Here is the clip

I will focus on one part of his defense that talks about a conservative politician who called out Colbert with the trending hashtag #CancelColbert. He begins by explaining that he is thoroughly hurt by this as he sarcastically said that his conservative companions abandoned him during his time of need. Colbert showed the tweet where the politician, Michelle Malkin, calls Colbert a coward. In the following lines, Colbert uses irony, as he expresses his disappointment with the fact that he "learned" about racial sensitivity of Asian-Americans from Malkin's book called In Defense of Internment.

Although funny, Colbert points to a fact that is very relevant in today's political atmosphere. In my opinion, politicians today can be very hypocritical and follow trends that contradict their past views. In this case, Malkin is hypocritical because she calls Colbert for being racially insensitive even though she wrote a book defending the internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans during WWII. Ultimately, the hypocrisy, especially in the government, hinders the credibility of people and it becomes difficult to take their arguments seriously. I agree with Colbert. I think that big change must come in the government, on both sides of the aisle, in order for this country to start moving towards cooperation.


  1. I really like Stephen Colbert too and I think that this was a great choice for satire. I agree that he is extremely funny, but he also does well to incorporate very serious political issues of the current day. He openly criticizes the government and how it reacts to particular events, but does it while keeping his audience entertained. I agree with your analysis and your statement that both sides need to cooperate to move forward.

  2. I don't normally watch Colbert, but I do see snippets of his show and I think while being satirical he also has a serious meaning behind it. I like how you ended with how both sides are to participate in order to move forward. That notion rings true for everything in life, but especially regarding our government.
