Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Parks and Recreation

The hit tv series Parks and Recreation use satire to highlight the obscure and funny parts of government jobs and midwestern towns. The show takes place in the fictionary town of Pawnee, which in real life is said to represent Muncie, Indiana, a blue-collar town. They even use class to acknowledge mass class differences in Indiana, specifically between the towns of Pawnee (Mucnie) and Eagleton (Carmel). Pawnee is obese, poor, and has no functioning government, while Carmel is over-the-top wealthy.

The main joke Parks and Recreation plays on is government jobs. For Pawnee, all of the local governemnts sit around and do not accomplish anything, except for Leslie Knope, she love her job at the Parks Department. This pokes fun at how many Americans view their governments as lazy. Many viewers find this show hilarious fue to its exageration of governmetn inefficiency. After all, it takes Leslie about three seasons before she gets permission to build one park. Even her boss, Ron Swanson, makes it his job to get little to no work done since he doesn't believe in government. This hyperbole helps exagerate American local governemnt and class gaps between towns.

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