Thursday, February 1, 2018

Is there a true solution to world poverty?

In the text reflecting Singer's solution to world poverty, it talks about how we all could contribute to ending or reducing poverty. There was an example of Bob saving his Bugatti or a child from getting hit by a train and relating it to how we have the chance to turn a sickly 2 year old into a healthy 6 year old child if we simply donated $200 dollars. We could get the money but slowing down how much we eat takeout or go out for dinner. But I believe that solution isn't as simple. Some people may be saving their money for school, or to buy a car because they don't have means for transportation or many other possibilities to advance themselves. I also believe that if someone wants to possibly do something to aid someone in need it should be hands on not just sending money online through an organization where you don't know exactly where your money is going. Another issue is  I don't think we truly understand the true extremity of a situation until we are either in it ourselves or we are up close and personal with it. There is a difference from hearing there is a child in need versus seeing it yourself in person. The solution Singer offers seems simple but there are many other factors that should be considered.


  1. I agree, there are so many other factors that should be considered. However, I like but also dislike how Singer basically says these other factors don't really matter. You don't need a new car when you have a bus or a bike. He doesn't seem to excuse any excuse a person may have for not donating. Furthermore, I agree with you that there is a difference between seeing a child in poverty vs. hearing about it. Sure, you know it's true but if its not directly effecting you, even if it is indirectly effecting you, people just don't care. There lies the problem of many issues aside from poverty that we have in our narcissistic society. People just don't care, they are worried about themselves only.

  2. I like the point you made about people being more driven to donate to charity when personally seeing the suffering of those in poverty. I think empathy is a much stronger motivation than a seemingly logical moral argument.
