Friday, February 16, 2018

The Snack Life
Above is a link to a video clip called "The Snack of Life" , from the daily show with Jon Stewart.

Jon Stewart uses hyperbole, verbal irony/sarcasm, and understatements to create a work of satire. Health experts say that a lot of foods are filled with poisons, are fattening, and contains lots of artificial chemicals and antibiotics. Stewart questions what fast food companies will do about this and goes on to exaggerate what food companies say they are going to do about this issue. He describes, that food companies are saying "forget your health study" and "you can stick your study's where the sun don’t shine". Food companies aren’t actually saying these things or they would be in trouble. However, it appears that they are basically saying these things because they choose to ignore the studies. Furthermore, Stewart goes on with his work by using and understatement, "Making food slightly less bad for you craze is spreading". His sarcastic tone in this understatement suggest that the food in general is still bad for you. There is no such thing is slightly more healthy, it's either healthy or it's not. Finally, Stewart describes,  “Chicken without antibiotics, well now I’m conflicted. I want healthier food but I’ll miss treating my ear infection with the Buffalo Ranch Mchicken”. Verbal irony and sarcasm are used here,  what Stewart actually means is that the slight healthier food craze is ridiculous. It's just a tease or an act food companies are putting on in order to continue to sell their products. The use of hyperbole, verbal irony/sarcasm, understatements help to create of work of satire because Stewart is ultimately criticizing fast food companies.

At the end of the video Stewart describes how Kraft is being considered a healthy food by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. If fast food companies are paying health places money to say that their food is healthy, you know their is a problem with the system. It’s all about the money, the food companies don’t care about our health and apparently neither do the health companies. Stewart also criticizes people for buying into crazy of slightly healthier food. We need to stop eating junk food that is disguised as health food. The world is all about convenience these days, “How quick can I get it”. Instead, we should really looking into the companies we are buying these foods from to see what they are really about and spend more time preparing healthier foods.


  1. I really like how you point out what Jon Stewart claims from the Daily Show. It is very true that food companies are simply taking on the facade of being healthy but are not actually implementing the steps necessary to become a healthier food option. Also, the humor really adds to the appeal of this.

  2. I really liked your analysis of this segment. A lot of late night hosts do satire bits, so I'm glad that you decided to choose one of those. Food companies often overlook certain health risks involved with eating their products, and this clip and your article did a good job of making a satire out of it.
