Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Poor Denver!

Honestly, I feel bad for Denver. Her siblings and Baby Suggs are gone. Before Beloved and Paul D, it was just Denver and her Mom. Plus, I don't think Denver ever met her father. On top of that, the House is haunted: a lot to handle for a kid. She is so lonely. In the text it states, "Hot, shy, now Denver was lonely. All that leaving: first her brothers, then her grandmother--serious losses since there were no children willing to circle her in a game or hang by their knees from her porch railing. " (14-15) Soon, comes a man Denver knows nothing about and just lives with them. I was surprised how Sethe did not consider Denver's feelings towards this change.  Plus, Paul D was rude regarding how Denver was acting. He basically told Sethe to parent better and trying to make it seem like he was her father. It made me mad. Denver wants a friend her own age, not a grown man she barely knows. I had a glimmer of hope when Beloved was introduced, but nope Denver is still getting ignored. Beloved is entranced with Sethe. Denver tried to get Beloved to like her, but Beloved was not having it. Even Paul D thought Beloved was interesting; he kept saying that she was shining. I know other characters have had it worst, but I think Denver's character is interesting because it is relatable to real life. It reminds me of when an older sibling gets a new sibling. The parents are so intrigued by their newborn child unconsciously forgetting the older child. Also, when a parent has a significant other and soon they move in together. So far, I like the book and I'm interested in reading more.

DQ: What are your thoughts on Denver? The book?


  1. I agree with you that Denver is having a really tough time. She is shunned and scorned, and has to endure a lot throughout the book with little recognition of her feelings. I find it really sad how distressed she became when she lost sight of Beloved for a short amount of time, thinking she had run away from her as her brothers had.

  2. I agree with you that Denver, while living in freedom, has lived a life of solitude and isolation from any community but her family, most of which left her at some point. I think this abandonment (from Denver's perspective) is part of the reason why Denver holds so tightly to Beloved. She needs someone other than her mother who will talk to her and not completely reject her.

  3. I think all of us can agree that we feel for Denver. She has gone through so much in just her short life,from the appearance of Paul D. to the abandonment of her brothers. I feel that this need to protect Beloved and be by her side all the time comes with this feeling of loss Denver has experienced all her life. She needs someone to be able to talk to and feel loved and cared for other than her mother.

  4. So much has happened with Denver in her life that I do feel somewhat bad for her. She doesnt get to control what things happen in her life. I have to agree also with everyone that commented about how Denver does need someone that she should be able to talk to and who will be there for her like she is there for everyone else.
