Monday, November 20, 2017


Denver is the ultimate example of one paralyzed from slavery. She never leaves the house, well only three times she left the house because she is afraid of what’s outside that made Sethe kill Beloved or “crawling already”. She is constantly on edge around her mother because she is afraid Sethe will kill her. She is a recluse! All because of the institution of slavery.

Sethe killed Beloved because otherwise she would have had to endure slavery. She would have killed Denver and her two brothers but she didn’t get the time to kill them.

Her two brothers were so scared of Sethe that they left. They told Denver to watch out for Sethe because she might kill her. Also Denver never wants to leave the house because whatever is outside is what made Sethe kill.

Denver is isolated, paralyzed, and depleted because of slavery and it goes to show how strong Denver is when she finally steps out of the house to save Sethe and Beloved before they’re all dead.

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