Monday, February 1, 2016

Distribution of Wealth

In King Lear, Lear declares that his surplus of wealth should have been used to lessen the gap between those in poverty and those of wealth. This more even distribution of wealth would thus give every person the equal chance which they deserve. Peter Singer mirrors this ideal in "Singer Solution". He proposes that those who have excess funds, rather than spending it on themselves and luxuries, that have become so common in American's daily lives, they should donate the money that is not spent on necessities to a worthy cause which will save the lives of impoverished children. 

While, in theory, this concept is simple and easily accomplished, it also has faults. These faults lie within the behavioral patterns which our society has so carefully bred. In our modern, materialistic society, having more expensive products within one home is a sign of prosperity which in turn implies favorable social standing. Being programmed with a mantra of "more, more, more" our wallets are open to those items which impress rather than good moral standing. It is often not until someone is put in a position of the less fortunate that they want to help the less fortunate. Just like in King Lear, people are not willing to give up their opportunities to have these extra luxuries until they have already lost it. 

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