Thursday, February 1, 2018


When I first read Peter Singers article, I didn't really know what to think. I didn't know what I was feeling so I took the rest of the day to just think about it and to read it again. The things that he talks about are good things to know. However, when I think about them they just make me feel bad about myself. For example, in the article where he talks about how you shouldn't spend your money on anything you want and that you should just help out the world by giving it to the poverty. This stuck with me because I have mixed feelings about that.

 I felt bad about myself because Peter Singers article goes on and goes about how we shouldn't waste all of over money on ourselves and that we should spend it on trying to end world hunger and trying to end poverty. Peter Signer's statement about that really made me think about it a lot actually. I both agree and disagree with his statement. I agree because you should help everyone out and it is for a good reason instead of just throwing your money away on something that won't really have a great impact in your life. I disagree with this in a way that maybe people work really hard for their money and they don't want to just give it up so fast like that. Of course, that's okay we cant just hate someone like that just because they don't want to give their money up but instead spend it on something they want or maybe even need. Peter Singer then finishes saying that you can do both of those things which are absolutely true. You can help end certain problems in this world by giving back to society and you can also spend money to reward yourself for that by treating yourself to something you really needed or something you just really want.

1 comment:

  1. I agree I was pretty mixed about Singer's argument. It is not very realistic for individuals to donate their money to charities because they may want to treat themselves. We live in a society that promotes material things so it is not that easy to give up something you want. Yet, it is important to donate to charities/ organizations because it is right to give.
