Bill Murray's farce comedic actions makes the audience laugh every other moment. It is a goofy movie that illuminates a deeper meaning of life through its context. I believe the comedy of Groundhog Day displays how so often, like Phil, people find themselves taking life for granted.
For example, a typical day for us students: we wake up, get ready for school, go to school, learn, maybe participate in an extracurricular activity after school, complete our homework, eat dinner, maybe watch some TV, and go to bed. Then we wake up the next morning and do it all over again. Sounds boring right? That's because we are taking life for granted! Groundhog Day points out to its audience you shouldn't have to relive a day 100 times in order to feel satisfied and accomplished. You should be trying your hardest and living your best life everyday. Waking up and taking the day by the reins, in order to strive towards your goals. Life is a wonderful, short lived experience, and I believe through farce comedy does Groundhog Day execute an amazing job in reminding its audience of such truth.
Great movie (Bill Murray is the best) and I totally agree with the greater meaning you pointed out.